
ICPACT is a collaborative platform that aims to integrate ACT researchers and institutions to advance pediatric ACT research.

The initiative led by Bonald C. Figueiredo (Pequeno Principe Hospital and Research Institute, Curitiba, Brazil), is focused on mapping new members who are dedicated to integrating pediatric ACT research, securing funding for a structured ICPACT website, periodical Workshops hosted by each member and organizing multi-institutional projects.

Under new leadership by Camila Daiggi (starting in November 2024) the goals include launching "The Stage II Project" at the Boldrini Research Center (Campinas – SP, Brazil), implementing the REDCap Boldrini system, convening all ACT researchers and families in an international workshop at the Boldrini Center in November 2024 sponsored by CNRS-IPMC (PI Enzo Lalli), and empowering members to coordinate in different departments (pre-clinical research, clinics, genetics, pathology, epidemiology, etc).

Who we are

The founders envisioned having a team of individuals committed to develop innovative ideas in ACT diagnosis and treatment

The ICPACT founders agree to participate in collaborative research efforts including the development and validation of methods and projects

The Founders: Ana Paula Percicote, Bonald Cavalcante de Figueiredo, Camila M. Daiggi, Carmem M. C. M. Fiori, Caroline Brunetto, Eliana N. N. Caran, Emília Modolo Pinto, Enzo Lalli, Gabriela Caus Fernandes Luiz Canali, Gerard P. Zambetti, Humberto Cereser Ibañez, José Alexandre Marzagão Barbuto, Karla Emilia de Sá Rodrigues, Lauro Mera Souza, Mara Albonei Dudeque Pianovski, Maria José Mastellaro, Pablo Santiago, Patricia Brandalise, Raul Correa Ribeiro, Simoni Abib, Silvia Brandalise, Tatiana El Jaick B. Costa, Verena Wiegering and Vilani Kremer.

ENROLLED ICPACT MEMBERS (since March 28, 2024):


Hospital Erastinho, Curitiba, PR, Brazil

Mara Albonei Dudeque Pianovski 

Robson de Castro Coelho

Sérgio Ioshii 

Vilani Kremer 

Instituto do Câncer Infantil, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Algemir Brunetto

Caroline Brunetto de Farias

Julie Cerutti

Centro Infantil Boldrini, Campinas, SP, Brazil

Camila M. Daiggi

Caroline Poli Belluco

Izilda Aparecida Cardinalli

Iva Loureiro Hoffmann

Luiz Henrique Pereira

Marcia Alessandra Cavalaro Pereira da Silva

Renato Luis Giampietro Bonfá

Silvia Regina Brandalise

Suelen Nascimento Meirelles

Hospital Infantojuvenil de Barretos, Hospital do Amor, Barretos, SP, Brazil

Karla Emília de Sá Rodrigues

Luiz Fernando Lopes

Thais Junqueira

Hospital Joana de Gusmão, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil

Denise Bousfield da Silva

Tatiana El-Jaick Bonifacio Costa

Hospital São Vicente de Paulo, Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil

Pablo Santiago

Hospital Infantil de Joiville, Joinville, SC, Brazil

Patricia Brandalise

Department of Immunology, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas (ICB), Universidade de São Paulo, SP, Brazil

José Alexandre Marzagão Barbuto

Instituto de Oncologia Pediátrica – GRAACC (Grupo de Apoio ao Adolescente e a Criança com Câncer), Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Eliana Maria Monteiro Caran

Simone de Campos Vieira Abib

Endocrinology Division, University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, United States

Antonio Marcondes Lerario

União Oeste Paranaense de Estudos e Combate ao Câncer – UOPECANN, PR, Brazil

Carmem Maria Costa Mendonça Fiori 

Hospital de Pediatría Garrahan, UBA, Argentina

Alicia Belgorosky

Daniela Fortunati

Gabriela Guercio

Laura Laura Galluzzo Mutti

María Celeste Mattone

Maria Sonia Baquedano

Paula Flores

Silvia Gil

University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia PA, USA

Kotaro Sasaki

University hospital Wuerzburg, Department of Pediatrics, Würzburg, Germany

Verena Wiegering

Maria Riedmeier

Institut de Pharmacologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, Valbonne, France

Carmen Ruggiero

Enzo Lalli

Mabrouka Doghman

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, EUA

Emília Modolo Pinto

Gerard Paul Zambetti

Raul Correa Ribeiro

Hospital e Instituto de Pesquisa Pequeno Príncipe

Ana Paula Kuczynski Pedro Bom

Ana Paula Percicote

Bonald Cavalcante de Figueiredo

Edna K. Carboni

Flora Mitie Watanabe

Gabriela Caus Fernandes Luiz Canali

Humberto Cereser Ibañez

Lauro de Souza

Leila Grisa

Silvio Gilberto Andrade Avilla

Our mission

“To construct the future with the lowest mortality rates for pediatric adrenocortical carcinoma”

Overall objectives

  • Decrease the number of cases presenting with advanced-stage disease
  • Create a clinical-relevant risk classification of pediatric ACT
  • Find the best parameters to monitor Mitotane effects (metabolomics)
  • Develop efficient therapeutic protocols
  • Support early onset stage I diagnosis


  • Scientific Director of the Pelé Pequeno Príncipe Research Institute, Curitiba, PR, Brazil
  • Coordinator of the PhD Program in Biotechnology Applied to the Health of the Chield and the Adolescent, Faculdades Pequeno Príncipe
  • Pequeno Príncipe Biobank Director

 From May, 2023 to November, 2024: Bonald C. Figueiredo, MD, PhD

The next volunteer to become coordinator (Camila Daiggi) will be in charge of organizing the ICPACT International Workshop in her institution (Boldrini Research Center, Campinas, SP, Brazil).

The responsibilities of the chairperson (with support of all members) shall be:

  • To propose and facilitate collaborative treatment protocols and projects on PACT;
  • To oversee the progress of the collaborative projects undertaken by ICPACT;
  • To seek funds on behalf of the ICPACT Workshops;
  • To organize on-line regular meetings of the Plenum and at those meetings, to inform the Plenum of all significant ICPACT activities;
  • To act on behalf of the Plenum in the periods between meetings of the Plenum.

Membership of the Plenum

Additional members and Institutions can also be appointed by any Founding Members. Membership in the Plenum carries with it acceptance of the following responsibilities:

  • Attendance at regular meetings;
  • Ethical use of information and biological material obtained through the ICPACT;
  • Acceptance to submit scientific data relating to current studies of the ICPACT
  • Adherence to the proprietary rules established by the Plenum regarding biological samples and clinical information, results of clinical or laboratory studies, and authorship;
  • Adherence to the Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and national laws relating to the conduct and reporting of results of clinical trials.

The next coordinator will have the support of seven chairpersons:

  1. Laboratory and Diagnostic Guidelines
  2. Repository of Biological Materials or Patient/Research Subject Data
  3. Web Registration and Auditing
  4. Clinical studies
  5. Chemotherapy and mitotane
  6. Immunotherapy
  7. Screening and Surveillance

In order to provide the foundation for future research, participants shall utilize a standard method for collecting and storing materials and data. Blood/plasma samples, ACT samples, and data relating to specific patients or research subjects will be collected by local researchers, according to the protocols implemented and the informed consent gained from patients or subjects.


  • All publications, proposed within the ICPACT, shall carry under the title the following citation: “A report from the International Consortium of Pediatric Adrenocortical Tumors (ICPACT)”;
  • All articles proposed within the ICPACT shall be submitted for publication if approved in advance by the Steering Committee;
  • Authorship order shall be previously established and will be according to extent of responsibility and participation of each ICPACT Member.


"The information on this website is provided for informational purposes only by adrenocortical tumor researchers, and should not take the place of the advice or recommendations of your physician. Users should be aware that by accessing and using these web pages, users assume the risk that the information and documentation contained on these web pages may be offensive, inaccurate, and/or incomplete, and/or may not meet the needs and requirements of the user. The entire risk as to the use of this website is assumed by the User. ICPACT shall not be liable for any damages suffered by the users of this site, or documentation found on this website.”